BLOG postings: (link to Achieving Success BLOG for all posts and PDF downloads)
Discipline to Success: The Spiritual Attribute
Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
continuation from BLOG posting: social development
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Building Your |
Developing Faith
Faith defines a person who has confidence and trust in God or a supreme value. Having confidence and trust means adhering to the values and commandments that you believe are supreme.
zealots and agnostics.
Faith is confidence and trust in yourself and others. It is the obligation of loyalty and allegiance to higher values and principles. A faithful person never waivers from his or her beliefs or goals, no matter what influences that try to drive a wedge between your beliefs and convictions.
Faith begins with a hope for something. For example, you are reading and applying the principles from this book because you have hope of achieving well-roundedness and accomplishing your goals. Hope is a driving force that prompts you to act.
Hope builds faith. Your faith becomes stronger when you see, touch and feel the effects of your actions. The same example applies when developing the five attributes of your character. Your faith in the five-attribute concept increases when you see changes in your physical, physical temperance, education, social and spiritual attributes. You believe in your actions and capabilities.
Faith comes from experience and testimonials. You wouldn’t blindly purchase a car without first testing it, researching consumer reports and perhaps talking with friends. And you certainly wouldn’t lie under the knife of a surgeon if the doctor’s reputation was not supported by references and testimonials. Personal experience and testimonials can increase your faith in everyday decisions.
In summary, faith begins with hope. Hope prompts us to act upon certain principles and values. Action gives us knowledge. Faith means that we hope . . . we act . . . we learn.
Next week: we will start our discussion on the spiritual attribute: building virture.
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