A Success Building Blog (Part VII:C)

A Success Building Blog (Part VII:C)


BLOG postings: (link to Achieving Success BLOG for all posts and PDF downloads)

Discipline to Success:

The Physical Attribute

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Benjamin Franklin

continuation from BLOG post: part VII.b

Last Week: we reviewed the attributes of your physical character:

  • Physical Exercise
  • Physical Inner Strength
  • Physical Diet
  • Physical Appearance

This week, we are going to outline a plan to develop and strengthen your physical attribute.

Tasks to Develop and Strengthen Your Physical Attribute

You begin shaping a well-rounded character by first developing and strengthening your physical attribute. The physical attribute requires less total energy to develop and impacts your motivation at greater levels than any of the four character attributes.

Evaluate your current physical attribute. Determine what improvements or enhancements that you should make in each of the following areas. List the desired change or enhancement on a piece of paper:

  • Physical Exercise
  • Physical Inner Strength
  • Physical Diet
  • Physical Appearance

Select a change that you want to make. Select only one change at this time. Trying to tackle more than one physical change can lead to discouragement and failure.

Don’t select a change that is so easy to achieve that you fail to make an impact on your physical development. What good is lifting two pounds each day. On the other hand, don’t select a physical development change that is impossible or too difficult to obtain. Select a program that is challenging but not too difficult. Your goal is to make a positive impact on your physical attribute.

Try to understand that physical changes are part of a hierarchy. If you choose to shed some pounds, you might first concentrate on improving your diet before exercising regularly. If your physical change is to become more active, concentrate first on a routine exercise program before becoming involved in a physical sport. Develop your physical program in respective steps so that you don’t injure yourself or become discouraged.

Plan the tasks required to achieve your physical development goal. Detail exactly what you need to do to achieve your plan, including time schedules and preparation. For example, you may need to schedule yourself to retire to bed 30-60 minutes earlier than normal so that you can awake early in the morning to exercise.

Also, try to be specific in the physical change you want to make. Define exactly the tasks needed to make a change. Don’t write, “. . . I want to lose 30 pounds.” It doesn’t mean anything. Identify in detail everything needed to successfully lose 30 pounds. This may require a daily schedule of exercise and diet. You may want to refer to other literary works that can help you define these tasks.

Develop a two-week schedule. Select a time that will best achieve your physical goal. For example, you might want to schedule your development early in the morning so that it doesn’t conflict with your other obligations. You can use Appendix Form-F to complete this step as diagrammed: link to our PDF appendix for all forms.

You can copy and cut the form to size so that it can fit easily in your pocket or handbag. Take Appendix Form-F and write the physical development program in the space provided at the top of form.

Remember that old habits are hard to change. You can expect a hard climb. You need to force yourself out of bed if needed. Plant several alarm clocks around the room to prevent yourself falling back to sleep. You must resist the temptation to skip a day. You are changing life-long habits, and that requires perseverance. Make a commitment to complete the physical goal assigned for each day no matter what tempts you.

Develop the physical change as planned by performing the tasks or steps that you have designated. Evaluate your performance at the end of each day. Check the box if you completed the goal for the day. Appendix Form-E is a progress report that measures your daily progress and action. Continue executing this step for the next fourteen days.

Bookmark this page. You will return to this post after two weeks to complete Step 7.

Next Week: we will repeat the current posting.  This gives everyone time to complete a two-week workout.

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end of post idea for home improvement


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Categories: Achieving Success

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Krayton M Davis

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