BLOG postings: (link to Achieving Success BLOG for all posts and PDF downloads)
Discipline to Success:
The Education Attribute
Educated men are as much superior to uneducated men as the living are to the dead.
continuation from BLOG post: part IX.a
We continue our review of the attributes that makeup our education attribute. We reviewed last week developing perception and positive language skills. Let’s move onto the final 3 attributes:
Education Includes Scholastic Abilities
Practically everything that you pursue in life will require some scholastic abilities. Almost all jobs today require high school diplomas, and many managerial positions require collegiate degrees and, in increasing numbers, Masters and Ph.D. degrees.
Scholastic achievements such as diplomas and degrees are individual goals. The skills to achieve these degrees are part of your education attribute. You can strengthen your scholastic skills by increasing your reading and listening skills and improving your study habits. You need to develop study habits that force you to study and learn subject materials.
Developing good study habits is exactly like building a strong physical body. You need to schedule time each day to study. Look for a secluded corner in the library or your home to study. Try to schedule the same time each day to study and don’t allow distractions to tempt you away from your studies. If your mind wanders, bring it back to the subject matter at hand. Scheduling time each day to study and then rewarding yourself when you complete the schedule is an effective method to strengthen your scholastic abilities.
Education is the Expansion of Your Knowledge Base
Most people are experts in one or two areas. A doctor, for example, will have advanced knowledge in medicine while a marketing executive has expert understanding of product launching. The expansion of our knowledge base includes learning subjects and materials that are not part of our current knowledge base.
Finally, Education is the Application of Knowledge and Experience
Education avails us nothing if we fail to apply our new knowledge. Well-rounded people apply what they learned, and then learn from the experience by applying their new knowledge. They gain wisdom as they reason between two or more variables.
For example, say you want to study and expand your knowledge in investment analysis. You can read and study every possible book on investment logic. But unless you apply that knowledge by investing in the market with real money, you will fail to experience the selection of investment securities that give you the best return.
That sums up my discussion on what you can do to develop and strengthen your education attribute. I’m sure you can suggest other educational ideas. Use them if they are appropriate.
Next time: we will review how the education attribute fits in your character development.
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