A Success Building BLOG (part III.b)

A Success Building BLOG (part III.b)


BLOG continuation: (link to Achieving Success BLOG for all posts and PDF downloads)

The Justwyn Model

for Planning, Discipline, and Execution

“Nobody has ever expected me to be President.”
Abraham Lincoln

Part III:b (continuation from Part III:a)


The conceptual framework of the Justwyn Model is simple; it uses the geometrical properties of a one-sided pyramid. Three sections divide the model as illustrated below.

  1. The pinnacle section of the pyramid defines the objective you are seeking to achieve. You will recall that the objective is the main goal, or life achievement, that you want for yourself — you defined your life objective in the last chapter.
  2. The body section lists the respective goals arranged in hierarchical layers that will achieve the objective. The goals support the objective and can change if a goal no longer achieves the objective.
  3. And the bottom section, the foundation of the model, comprises the physical and mental discipline that supports the model.

Justwyn Model

Building the Goal Plan

We begin constructing our model at the pinnacle of the pyramid by defining the objective we seek to accomplish. The objective is the ultimate goal; e.g., becoming an Olympic gold-medalist, a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, an Oscar-winning actress, a great philanthropist, the President of the United States, etc.

For illustration, let’s say that you want to become CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Write the objective at the top of the pyramid. Then identify the goals (not the tasks — these will come later) that will achieve the objective. For instance —

The Objective: To Become CEO of a Fortune 500 Company.

Goals that could possibly achieve this objective include:

  • Undergraduate Degree
  • Analytical Skills
  • Writing Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Management Skills
  • Work Experience
  • Career Promotions
  • MBA
  • Community Leadership
  • Career Placement in Industry of Choice
  • Corporate Leadership
  • Corporate Politics
  • Political Leadership
  • Industry Leadership

You probably could identify other goals that will better achieve the objective. But for this illustration, let’s use these goals for now with the understanding that goals can change as you move closer to the objective.

Once you identify and agree to the goals that will achieve the objective, you take the goals and rank them in order of achievement. Identify which goals that you should achieve first, second, third, and so forth. You will prioritize them in hierarchical layers using the body section of the model as illustrated.

CEO Pyramid

The rules of the model are as follows:

  • The first layer of goals supports the goals on the second layer.
  • The second layer of goals supports the goals on the third layer.
  • The third layer supports the fourth, etc.

It might help to compare the model to an actual pyramid built with stones laid upon each other in layers. Each stone represents a goal. The first layer of stones supports the second layer; the second layer supports the third layer, and so forth until you reach the pinnacle section of the pyramid.

The goals on the first couple of layers are generalized goals; they support many of the other goals further up the model. The goals placed in layers closer to the objective are specialized goals; they are more directly related to accomplishing the objective.

For example, you will need an undergraduate degree and work experience before applying for a top-ranked MBA program. The goals undergraduate degree and work experience are important first-layers goals that support the goal MBA on the second layer.

The second-layer goals MBA Degree and career placement need to be completed before you can successfully achieve the goals community leadership and industry leadership on the third-layer.

The goals, analytical skills, writing skills, and speaking skills are also placed on the bottom layer of the model. These three goals support the goals on the second layer.

The five goals on the bottom layer are generalized goals. You will need to achieve these goals first before achieving specialized goals on successive layers.

Some goals in the model will be given the status ‘completed’ (non-italic in the illustration) while other goals will be identified as ‘continued-in-progress’ (italic). The status ‘completed’ refers to goals that have an end—meaning that once you accomplish the goal, there is nothing more that can be done for the goal. For example, the goal “undergraduate degree” is a ‘completed’ goal. Once you complete your B.S. or B.A. degree, the goal has an end.

The ‘continue-in-progress’ goals, on the other hand, are goals that you keep working on, though perhaps with less attentiveness as you move up the hierarchy of the model. These goals do not have an end. Nor will you need to complete them before you move to the next layer of goals. For example, the ‘continue-in-progress’ goals include writing skills, communication skills, analytical skills, community leadership, etc.

You will always develop or increase, for example, your writing skills as you move closer to your objective. You should therefore place writing skills, communication skills and analytical skills at the bottom of the model. These goals should be developed early to support the other goals in the hierarchy. Writing, communication, and analytical skills enhance your efforts to climb the ladder to corporate management.

Next time, we will review why the model in a pyramid shape helps identify goals that need to be achieved in respective order to achieve success.

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Categories: Achieving Success

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Krayton M Davis

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