Tag "agent"

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Home Selling

How to Sell Your Home by Owner

You’ve decided to sell your home. Instead of working with a real estate agent, you plan to sell it on your own. Done right, you stand to save as much as 5 to 6 percent in broker fees, a significant chunk of money no matter the cost of your home.

Consumer Tips

How to Find a Primo Rental Apartment

Tweet With so many places to consider, finding the right place can take time and will require a lot of work and patience on your part. With a plan in

Home Buying

Short Sale Basics & Your Home Search

Tweet Navigating through short sale confusion. Quite unexpectedly, you find a home that you both love and one that is priced $20,000 under your budget. Giving each other a “this

Consumer Tips

5 Signs it’s Time for a New Auto Insurance Agent

Tweet Are you satisfied with your insurer’s customer service? By Carol Montrose Unfortunately, a bad agent can make the whole experience entirely too difficult. If you think that your agent

Home Selling

Smart Tips To Help You Prepare Your Home For Sale

Tweet Spring is here and with the warmer weather comes a surge of homes available for sale. The 2010 market may be tempered a bit with some local markets still