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Financial Planning

It is Your Responsibility to Take Charge of Your Finances

The biggest gift you can give yourself is to take 100 percent responsibility for your life and circumstances. Too often, people blame others for their circumstances. Money is no different. There is always someone to blame.

Financial Planning

The Importance of Setting Financial Goals

Tweet But when it comes to financial security and retirement planning, we don’t have a choice.  No matter your current situation, it is of the utmost importance that you treat

Financial Planning

Don’t Make These 4 Financial Mistakes During Your Divorce

A divorce can take a toll on both your mental and financial wellness. When you want to keep your budget intact and survive the proceedings with cash in your bank account, you should avoid making these four financial mistakes during your divorce.

Financial Planning

Do You Really Need a Financial Planner?

Are you struggling on your financial journey? Are you unsure on whether to hire a financial planner? A lot of people face multiple money issues and in most cases, they are unable to effectively manage their money.

Financial Planning

5 Ways a Wealth Advisor Can Help You Achieve Financial Success

So, you’ve managed to build yourself a nest egg. Great…now what? Find out if it is enough – will it last for your full retirement life and will it be sufficient during economic ups and downs?

Financial Planning

Looking after Your Parent’s Finances when Alzheimer’s Disease Strikes

Your mother’s behavior is drastically different than from the last time you saw her two years ago. Her alertness is not the same and she has plenty of unpaid bills. You bring her to the doctor and he tells you that your mother has Alzheimer’s disease.

Financial Planning

Must Read Financial Planning Tips to Get You Motivated For a Better Tomorrow

Tweet Most people find that starting a financial plan in the beginning of a new year is easier, but no matter when you start the important thing is to start.

Financial Planning

6 Sure-Fire Ways to Protect a Financial Windfall

If you have just won the lottery, inherited money from a family member or exercised stock options at work, you may have thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in your bank account.

Financial Planning

Six Excuses People Use to Avoid Financial Accountability

Financial trouble befalls a large majority of people. But when financial trouble rises it is very often the case that people shirk responsibility and avoid the issue.

Financial Planning

7 Difficult Personal Finance Decisions That You May Have to Make

Finances can be one of the most difficult areas to work through when life seriously challenges you. You might have to make some tough choices that are uncomfortable but will be of the most benefit to you in your individual circumstances.

Financial Planning

Living Above your Means? Ways to Cut Back Spending

It’s very tempting to live above your means nowadays. We are encouraged to do this daily by all of the ads and offers constantly put in front of our eyes. Yet if we aren’t careful, this can get out of control and we can get into a financial hole.

Financial Planning

Prevent Financial Troubles – Make Financial Planning a Priority

Tweet Few people go through life without running into a money problem or two; it’s to be expected. Financial troubles are made worse by neglecting to have a plan in