The Ultimate Guide to Binary Options

The Ultimate Guide to Binary Options
  • Opening Intro -

    Investing your money into stock or options will always pose a risk.

    Yet, the right venture could help you enjoy a considerable return on your investment.


We are therefore providing the ultimate guide to binary options so that you can make an informed financial decision.

What are Binary Options?

Binary options aren’t too complex in nature. It is essentially an estimate whether something is or is not true at a specific time. It is the trader’s responsibility to decide on the likelihood of an estimate. They will understand the potential return on investment (ROI) prior to the trade being made. Basically, a correct projection can result in a healthy ROI, but the wrong decision will mean you will lose. Pretty simple, right?

The Benefits of Binary Options

Typically, many investments do not provide a pre-determined return on investment, which means an investor can yield a small or substantial ROI. With binary options, you will have a 50/50 chance of experiencing a healthy profit. And you will also know how much money you will make should you secure a winning trade. While a loss means you will lose 100% of your investment.

Knowing up front the losses and profits can, therefore, help you to make a more informed decision. As a result, you will never invest more than you can afford on a binary option, as you will be aware of the profit potential and consequences in advance. It is no wonder more and more people are turning to binary options.

Call Option Versus Put Option

As mentioned, the success of a binary option will be determined by your projection. You can, therefore, adopt one of two sides: the call option or the put option. The call option means you expect a share stock price to go up for a time period. While the put option estimates that a price will go down. If the option you chose was correct, you will be “in the money”. However, if the projection was wrong, you will be “out of the money”. It is as simple as that.

The Difference between Stocks and Binary Options

Traditional investors buy a select quantity of share stock. Their sole aim is then to sell the share stock for a profit in the future, as they will hope the share stock price will soar on the stock market.

Binary options work a little differently. An investor does not have to buy or sell anything to make a profit. A return on investment is simply determined by a prediction for the share stock price, so that it will increase or fall by an expiry time.

Binary options may, therefore, be a hassle-free investment opportunity, as you will not have the stress or worry about selling share-stock for a profit to another investor. You simply make a prediction, and you could experience an immediate cash reward.

How to Gain an Edge

Of course, the best way to beat the odds and secure a winning trade is by knowing the ins and outs of the market. Traders who believe they know something will, therefore, gain an edge, which means they are more likely to receive a profitable return on investment.

In-depth knowledge is therefore essential to experience success. Any budding trader hoping to gain a competitive edge should, therefore, turn to Stern Options. Their financial experts are dedicated to training their clients to improve both the knowledge and understanding of the market. As a result, they can maximize their finances by seeing an improved return on their investment. What’s more, you can take advantage of the 24-hour support team to ask for assistance or to receive the answers to your questions.

How to Secure Binary Options

Binary options are rather new to the trading industry. Yet, they continue to be one of the most innovative financial products on the market. The stock market was once the main port of call for binary options to the public. However, following changes to the law in 2007, and the development of new technologies, many online trading software solutions launched to make binary options more accessible to the public.

The Time Length of Binary Options

Any investor hoping to feel a buzz of excitement should look no further than binary options. The unique trading option often is completed within a short amount of time, as you can choose an option contract period that ranges from one minute to up to ten months. This means you can experience a superb ROI within a matter of minutes, hours, days, weeks or months. The choice is yours. While traditional investors will be forced to wait for a long length of time before they receive a profit.

The Profitability

As stated, you will know the profit potential before you invest in binary options, and you could make money within a few minutes or months. The contract time frame you choose, which should be based on knowledge or intuition, will determine your profitability.

You must try to gather as much information on an asset as possible before you select a timeframe, so you can make an informed decision. It is also recommended to gain assistance from a trading platform, so they can provide all you need to know about the current or future trends.


No investment should ever be made lightly and must be thoroughly researched and planned. You must, therefore, make an informed choice before you risk your finances. The great thing about binary options is that the investment is often based on an edge, as knowledge and trends will determine your decision. What’s more, you will know a potential profit or loss in advance, so you will only invest an amount you can afford to lose – and you could experience a healthy return on your investment within a matter of minutes, weeks or months.

Have you used binary options? Do you have any investment tips or stories you would like to share? We would love to read them in the comment section below.

Consumer Tips reference:

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Bestseller No. 1
Bestseller No. 2
CALL or PUT: How I profit using Binary Options
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CALL or PUT: How I profit using Binary Options
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Trading Nadex Binary Options: Keeping It Simple Strategies
  • Gail Mercer
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Paperback: 140 pages

Last update on 2020-03-19 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


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Categories: Investments

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