Even with laws in place, discrimination and harassment remain problematic, and those seeking to advance in a company can do so with a social work degree.
Stuck in a Rut
If you are looking to advance within the company you work for, your first step is to continue your education, no matter your age. For some, the daily 9-to-5 grind is just fine; for others, moving up the ladder is the only way they’ll feel job satisfaction. If the latter is you, and you feel chained to your desk day in and day out, it’s time for a change. That change can be a promotion to a managerial position or a transfer into a different department.
If you have a natural ability to keep the peace within your family and between your friends, you might find a position in conflict resolution to be perfect for your advancing career. Businesses prefer internal resolutions as opposed to external or legal resolutions, as this saves the companies money overall, and many positions within the human resources departments require someone who is willing to listen to both sides of a dispute to facilitate a resolution.
Supervisors and managers must also have the ability to keep the peace between their staff. An online article by ACU lists six key steps to calming workplace storms. They are assessing the situation fully, taking the time to understand all details, the ability to focus on the problems rather than the people, the ability to write conflict prevention procedures, the ability to foster a communicative environment, and a decisive spirit to resolve the conflict in it entirety.
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Natural and Learned Ability
If you’re a mom or a dad, you probably know these six steps well. Keeping peace amongst the kids requires the ability to listen, communicate, make rules, and enforce them. Taking this natural ability to the workplace will definitely work to your advantage as you discuss your desire to move up with your current supervisor. Adding to your existing education will help you master these skills, and you’ll receive the degree so many companies now seek in their upper talent.
If you work full time and think you cannot go back to school, think again. Many people earn their higher education degrees online in their own time, as this is the only way they can work their education into their busy schedules. For an example of what to expect, Case Western Reserve University has placed a helpful infographic on its website. View the infographic and learn more about Case Western’s social work degree options if you feel conflict resolution is a way to move up at your job.
Whether you are looking to be promoted or to move into a different department, if you have a natural ability to resolve disputes, you can use this to your advantage. Earn your master’s degree in social work and watch the doors open to an exciting new career.
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