Top Business Tips: How to Avoid Boss Stresses

Top Business Tips: How to Avoid Boss Stresses
  • Opening Intro -

    You know that old cliché about spinning plates?

    Imagine they had motorized stems that flung plates from them like volatile Frisbees.

    To keep the game in motion, you'd have to catch the plates and chuck them back on their stems in seconds.


And there are about a hundred plates all hurling themselves at you. And those plate are made exclusively from acid and nettles.

Anyway, that’s a bit like how it feels to be a business owner.

Disgruntled employees will batter on your door, bills will be ignored, deadlines will be avoided and shareholders will have to be appeased with whatever piecemeal sop you can find in your financial quarterly.

But while the panic and damage control never quite leaves you, there are plenty of ways to make your job a little bit easier.

So if you want to remove some of the stress from your role as head honcho, what can you do?

On the Payroll

We can all imagine the type of person who loves doing admin – bespectacled, sexless oddballs who can only be stirred from their fusty cobweb-like ruts with discussions on the decimal point. For those people it’s a joy. For the rest of us it’s a sheer hell.

When you finally find a crack team of admin assistants, glasses and all, be sure to hold onto them – and keep them fitted with the best technology has to offer.

Payroll software, for instance, has evolved in leaps and bounds over the past decade, moving from a basic spreadsheet to a fully-fledged and over-arching tool that can track every aspect of your employees’ progress.

And the latest payroll tech doesn’t have to bankrupt your business. Purchase it from sites such as this one and you’ll enjoy up-to-date software at a good price.

Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

You’re not alone in your business, and being a one-person maverick is ill-advised in the corporate world. This isn’t the place to be making wayward decisions. Instead, you should find an expert team of people to help you with the tasks that monopolise your team.

These staff members shouldn’t be ‘yes men’, either. They should be ready to challenge you and help you avoid making a major error.

The System

Like a gambler at a roulette table, you’ve got to have a system for every business decision you’ll have to make. Being systematic in your processes will give you a clear and definite path to follow, even when a curveball comes your way.

With a less haphazard approach to business you’ll enjoy far fewer basic errors – and a far lower blood pressure!


end of post idea for home improvement


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Categories: Business Management

About Author

Krayton M Davis

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