How your business handles waste is not a foregone matter that requires no extra consideration, unless you are willing to absorb the blow of some potentially dire ramifications of inefficiency and irresponsibility with waste materials. An assessment of your situation doesn’t require a great deal of effort, but it can reveal some great paths to improved efficiency and money saving fairly easily. The following are some simple steps that can help you to transform your business into a more environmentally friendly industry leader in your waste management, not to mention that they can help to save you money in the process.
Assess your Packaging
Several years ago, the specialty of packaging exploded and as a result, waste increased the world over. Examine the packaging used in the items you receive from vendors. Are your suppliers providing you with too much unnecessary packaging? If so, speak with them about alternatives or consider new vendors. Less packaging will save you money in waste and potentially in the cost of your purchased goods.
Whether you are a large corporation with a catered cafeteria or a small business with a small break room, it is imperative to have composting on site. Today, commercial composts are highly affordable and will reduce your waste significantly. You should also consider donating extra food rather than to throw it away. Many local charities, regardless of the community’s size, accept such donations. Be certain the food has not expired.
People grow up with varying perspectives toward environmental responsibility based on their childhood guardians, school system and even their home state. You are likely to have at least a few team members who did not grow up with a recycling or waste-reducing mentality. It might be challenging to retrain some of your team into thinking about reducing waste. Sometimes, it is easier to educate people about waste reduction as a cost-saving technique rather than to try to teach someone to be environmentally responsible who does not care about the issue. Money is always understandable to everyone.
Easy Access & Repair
Once your team learns the importance of waste reduction, ensure that everything is labeled well and that it is easy to access to prevent people from throwing things away simply because they cannot find the recycling. You should also repair equipment whenever possible rather than throwing it away. If you feel it is not suitable for your brand image, donate the items or take them to a special recycling facility or second hand store.
A few of these suggestions will require an initial investment, however such investments will be paid off in the matter of a year or less and begin actually making you money. After you educate your team and implement green best practices, your business will run more efficiently than ever.
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