5 Tips For A Successful Fall Yard Sale

5 Tips For A Successful Fall Yard Sale


It is kind of hard to think about fall, what with summer temperatures in the 90s and vacations days still left to expend. But, before you know it Labor Day will be here which marks the unofficial start of the Fall season.

Yard SaleSeptember, October and even November can be excellent months to hold a garage or yard sale, because the weather is still relatively warm and as you get closer to the holiday season, you pick up more traffic thanks to people heading to the mall in search of Christmas gifts. Besides, with most people having put their garage sale shopping on hold for the summer, you’ll be able to tap some of that pent up demand especially if you plan your sale smartly.

The following five tips can help you have a successful fall yard sale:

Plan Ahead – Unless you have had several sales before, you’ll find it to your advantage to plan well in advance. In some locales this is a must as towns require homeowners to secure a permit first. Regardless, by picking a date now and working toward sorting through all of your stuff, coming up with prices, tagging everything, going to the bank for extra bills and change, etc., you won’t feel rushed come yard sale day.

Think Strategically – When is the best time for you to have a sale? Some people avoid Labor Day weekend thinking that no one will be around, but on the contrary a lot of people are finishing up their “back to school” shopping and are looking for backpacks, desks, school supplies and related items, which you may be able to sell to them. Also consider holding your sale on the same date as a big event in your town, such as a Harvest Fest, whereby you can siphon some of the traffic heading to the event.

Work Cooperatively – Perhaps you don’t have a ton of stuff to sell, but you still want to get rid of what you own. Consider pooling your goods with several friends and holding a joint sale. Or, ask your neighbors if they are planning to hold a sale themselves. Come up with a date that everyone likes and reap the rewards of a “five family yard sale” which tends to bring a lot of traffic to neighborhoods featuring multiple sales. Publish this information in your free Craigslist ad too!

Price Smartly – It can be difficult to part with items that you paid a mint for when brand new. But price is king especially when it comes to yard sales which means that you’re most likely to move everything within the first few hours if priced to sell rather than waiting to the end of the sale to slash prices. If you’re afraid of undervaluing your goods, check around online (especially through eBay) to see what various items will fetch.

End Early – Most garage sales get started around eight in the morning and wind up by three in the afternoon. This is too long and isn’t considerate of your neighbors who must put up with traffic, people parking in front of their homes (some blocking driveways), foot traffic on their lawn, etc. You get the money and all they get are hassles. Instead, with smart pricing you can plan on finishing your sale at lunch time, allowing you to have more time for yourself while giving your patient neighbors an important break.

Not many people make a bundle off of their yard sales, but with careful planning on your part you can hold a sale on the right day, move your goods quickly and be done early enough to enjoy the rest of the day!

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Categories: Consumer Tips

About Author

Matthew C. Keegan

Matt Keegan is a freelance writer and editor as well as publisher of "Matt's Musings", his personal blog. Matt covers campus, consumer, business and financial topics on various websites and blogs, and has been published in the "Houston Chronicle", "Sam's Club Magazine" and "Wisconsin Golfer".