BLOG postings: (link to Achieving Success BLOG for all posts and PDF downloads)
Discipline to Success: The Spiritual Attribute
Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
continuation from BLOG posting: spiritual development
Building Your |
How to Build Humility
Balancing between the forces of self-confidence and humility is a lifelong process. Self-confidence is the mental energy to achieve the things you want. Humility is a companion force that keeps you from destroying the successes you have made.
Let’s delve into suggestions on how to build humility:
Increase your time to help others. Become more considerate of people regard less of their race, gender, religion and ethic background.
Recognize Others:
Make it a habit to frequently thank your parents, teachers, peers and bosses for the help and contributions they directly or indirectly made in your behalf. Recognize the achievements of others.
Befriend the “Inferior”:
If you feel superior, befriend a person whom you consider as inferior. For example, if you are rich and proud, befriend the poor. If you are strong and physically in-shape, befriend the weak. If you are handsome and good looking, befriend the ugly.
I like the story relayed in the movie, “Ghandi.” During a scene of violence among Hindus and Muslems, Ghandi goes to Calcutta to fast for the healing of the nation. After fasting for many days, a Hindu man approaches Ghandi to confess his sins. He had killed a Muslem family in retaliation for the death of his little boy.
The man believes that his actions will send his condemned soul to hell. Ghandi replies to the man that there is a way out of hell. He instructs him to go into the streets and look for a little boy like his own who has lost his family because of the violence. The Hindu man was to raise the boy as his own. But, the man was to raise the boy as a Muslem.
Note the richness in this story. A humble person befriends all persons no matter what their religion or culture or economic status. You likewise need to befriend others who are not part of your social mainstream.
Become Teachable:
Play the role of a student when around others. Allow other people the opportunity to express their opinions. Let others teach and help you even if you don’t need their help. Take advice from others and help them feel that their suggestions contributed to your success and growth.
Become Ugly:
Boastful people think that they are beautiful. They will spend their time and money to look attractive and prestigious. They will wear fancy clothes and costly jewelry and spend hours in front of the mirror making themselves gorgeous.
Take a day or two each week and become “ugly.” Don’t wear costly apparel or jewelry. Try not to talk about yourself and your accomplishments. Act and appear as though there was nobody to impress.
Many will argue that “humility” is a sign of weakness, especially when you consider the suggestive traits mentioned above. But consider this, is success achieved when one cheats, defames, and personally destroys another person? Or is success achieved when one displines themselves to achieve greatness while helping others?
Next week, we will discuss the spiritual trait “diligence”.
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