A Success Building BLOG

A Success Building BLOG


BLOG postings: (link to Achieving Success BLOG for all posts and PDF downloads)

Discipline to Success:

The Social Attribute

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

continuation from BLOG posting: social development

Building Your
Social Skills

Developing the First Definition of the Social Attribute

We are reviewing the first definition of the social attribute.  We identified 4 key point notes below.  Let’s finalize our discuss today with point #4.

1) A socially developed person has inner qualities that are attractive to other people.
2) Socially developed people force others upon themselves rather than forcing themselves upon others.
3) A socially developed person possess both leadership and follower qualities.
4) Socially developed people like and enjoy themselves.

4) Socially developed people like and enjoy themselves

You must first enjoy the company of yourself before you can enjoy the company of others. How you view yourself physically, educationally and spiritually will impact your social thinking and development.

Take a minute and stand in front of the mirror. What do you see physically? Do you like what you see? Physical appearance can impact your social outlook. If we feel physically unattractive, overweight, weak, etc., these same feelings of deficiency carry over into our social thinking. Social development requires that you overcome your physical weaknesses that make you feel socially inadequate and inferior.

Look in the mirror for a second time. What do you see in the mirror educationally? Do you like what you see? Education also can impact your social thinking. You might be isolating yourself from intellectual groups and experiences if you feel educationally inadequate. A socially developed person interacts with lawyers, art critics, theater go-ers, intellectuals, etc., without feeling socially inept. Strengthening your education attribute can help develop your social outlook.

Look in the mirror for one last time. What do you see in the mirror spiritually? Do you like what you see? We will discuss the spiritual attribute in the next chapter. But for now, do you consider yourself honest, charitable and virtuous? If you lie, cheat and take advantage of people to advance yourself, you will feel and look spiritually ugly. Strengthening your moral character can impact your social growth.

You must like who you are physically, educationally, and spiritually to strengthen your social attribute. It is important that you develop and strengthen all of the character attributes so that you can feel good about yourself and your accomplishments.

Next Week: we will jump into the 2nd definition of a socially developed person.
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Categories: Achieving Success

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Krayton M Davis

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