Tag "credit card use"
Credit Cards
Swiping a Lot of Magic Plastic? How to Manage All Your Credit Cards
Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere from the grocery store to online retailers. It may also be possible to use credit cards to pay your fantasy football dues or your electric bill.
Weekly Sunday Tips
Weekly Tip Nov 13: Stock Up On Food?
Recent election and now a new President elect. What does that mean when we are deeply in debt? Many economists predict that with the money being printed out of Washington (from additional stimulus actions) that inflationary spikes are bound to happen.
Weekly Sunday Tips
Weekly Tip Oct 16: More and More Credit Cards ???
Over the past several months you may have noticed that the number of credit card offers peppering your mailbox has dropped. That is because credit card companies have tightened their lending restrictions and in some cases, they are axing customers.