Tag "bad credit financing"

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Debt Management

Weekly Tip July 03: Good Debt: Investments And Purchases That Pay Off In The End

Some financial gurus argue that there is no such thing as good debt. While having no debt is better than having debt, there are somedebts that can wind up paying off in the long term.

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip June 26: Helpful 7 Tips to Save Money on Groceries

Tweet So let’s examine ways that you can save the next time you head out to the supermarket. Clip coupons – buy generic – buy big and more. Shop on

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip June 19: Seven Common Things That Can Put People in Debt Fast

In an era in which consumer debt should be on the decline, debt seems to be on the rise. Dealing with debt is unfortunately a common occurrence, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to get back on track financially.

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip June 12: How To Get a Loan With Bad Credit

If you have bad credit, it might be hard for you to get a loan approved from bank or a money lender. This is because poor credit is an indication of the fact that you have defaulted on payments in the past and thus any bank will not be ready to risk their money with you.