What Is Debt

What Is Debt


The term debt is often used to cover a variety of financing methods and financial instruments and while these are often correct characterizations of what debt is, the reality is that the term debt can apply to much more than what people often think it can.

While many people may think that the term applied to a certain item is a mere matter of classification, when the term is debt, it can often change the way people feel about a certain financial instrument or process.

For example, if someone holds a bond, this will often be considered a debt to the company or government that issued the bond.

Where Does Debt Come From

Where debt comes from is often as varied as what the term debt applies to. For example, consumer debt is often issued by certain financial institutions, such as Rescue One Financial. Other types of debt, such as bonds, are often issued by a company with the aid of an investment banker.

Further, credit card debt is often created through the use of a credit card and then subsequently paid by the person who holds the credit card.

While debt may come from a variety of sources, it is often the case that one source may be very different and often cheaper or more expensive than another.

What Makes Debt Different

While the names associated with different types of debt are often the first thing that appears to distinguish types of debt, it is often the case that more serious items differentiate various types of debt.

Often, the two things that most seriously differentiate types of debt form each other are the interest rate and the maturity length. The interest rate determines how much interest is charged on the debt while the maturity length determines how long it will take to pay off the debt.

While debt may be a scary topic, it is often important to understand the types and uses of debt.

Image Credit: by Pixabay

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Categories: Debt Management

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