As this blog grows, we understand that it may be difficult to find everything that has been posted. That’s a shame because we believe every single post on SayEducate has something of value for you, the reader. Modest, aren’t we?
Although there are still a few days left in October 2007, the following are some of the articles for the month we think you’ll want to read:
Achieving Something Grand — This is an ongoing series of articles (a book, actually) that speaks to people who want big things out of life. We’ll be adding chapters on a regular basis for many months to come.
Assembling a Home Construction Specification Plan — One in a series, we’re taking a look at the entire home building process. 22 articles over the next several months will be included, tying in with our SayBuild website.
Federal Student Loan Aid Falls Short For Many American Families — This is a timely look at student loans, a topic high school seniors and their families should be paying especially close attention to now.
Buying A Home When The Mortgage Market Is A Mess — We got this blog started by covering the current mortgage crisis from the vantage point of the new home shopper. Instead of having you throw your hands up in despair, we offer tips to help you make your homeownership dream come true.
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