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Home Building

Your Personal Touch Makes A House A Home

Tweet This article is part of our ongoing home construction specification plan series. Assembling a Home Construction Specification Plan — Spec Plan Q: Other Amenities What is it that makes

Home Buying

Buying A Home At Fair Market Value

Tweet The housing market has taken its lumps over the past year as mortgage lending requirements tighten and as buyers wait for the market to bottom out. Not everyone can

Home Building

Lighting Your New Home, In And Out

Tweet This article is part of our ongoing home construction specification plan series. Assembling a Home Construction Specification Plan — Spec Plan P: Home Lighting Some of the final touches

Home Improvement

Winter Time Is Home Improvement Time

Tweet That cold wind blowing down out of the north can have you longing for the balmy days of summer. Ice, snow and cloudy skies can put a real damper

Consumer Financing Credit Reports Home Buying

Your Credit Score and Mortgage Qualifying

Tweet This is one in a series of articles related to the sub-prime mortgage mess that dominated the news in 2007 and will likely continue to be big news throughout

Home Building

Beautiful, Luxurious Wood Flooring

Tweet This article is part of our ongoing home construction specification plan series. Assembling a Home Construction Specification Plan — Spec Plan O: Flooring I admit it: I am partial

Home Building

What’s New In Home Security

Tweet Every home should have some sort of protection whether it be dead bolts for the doors, window locks, motion lighting, etc. Your watchdog can do a stellar job of

Home Building

Stashing It All Away In Your Cleaning Closet

Tweet This article is part of our ongoing home construction specification plan series. Assembling a Home Construction Specification Plan — Spec Plan N: Cleaning Closet Today’s homeowners are very actively

Home Improvement

New Technologies Power Home Water Heating

Tweet Did you know that water heating can account for as much as 25% of the energy consumed in your home? Yes, that special device which gives you a hot

Home Buying

Are You Qualified To Buy A Home?

Tweet This is one in a series of articles related to the sub-prime mortgage mess that dominated the news in 2007 and will likely continue to be big news throughout

Home Building

Kitchens and Baths: Applying Your Personal Touch

Tweet This article is part of our ongoing home construction specification plan series. Assembling a Home Construction Specification Plan — Spec Plan M: Kitchen and Bath One of the last

Home Improvement

3 Levels of Kitchen Home Improvement

Tweet One of the most important areas in any home is the kitchen — the place where meals are prepared, served, eaten, and family discussions held. Even in homes with

Home Buying

Its A Buyer’s Market For Home Buyers!

Tweet Friends of ours sold their house last summer and moved into an apartment temporarily as they re-ordered their lives. Apartment living has been okay for them, but they are

Home Building

Deck The Walls And Your Ceilings Too!

Tweet This article is part of our ongoing home construction specification plan series. Assembling a Home Construction Specification Plan — Spec Plan L: Walls and Ceilings Although the foundation, framing,

Home Buying Relocation

Home Buying 7-Step Plan, Step 1

Tweet Analyzing the Numbers is the First Step in Buying a Home You’ve been waiting for the housing market to stabilize and the funds for a down payment are on