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Discipline to Success:
The Social Attribute
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
continuation from BLOG posting: see list
You are inching quickly up the inverse pyramid scale, now developing the fourth of five attributes for a well-rounded character. The last two attributes — social and spiritual — are mostly internal changes to your character that require more energy and commitment than the other three attributes.
Make sure that you are developing the first three attributes before proceeding with these final two. The strength obtained by successfully changing your physical, physical temperance and education attributes will help you develop and strengthen the social and spiritual attributes.
What is social development? That depends on how you define the term social. Without delving into different behavioral viewpoints, I will use the following terms to define sociality.
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First Definition:
Socially developed people finds themselves accepted and liked by their peers and family.
They possess a good or benevolent nature.
They are considerate and helpful to others, giving of their service and friendship to all regardless of race, religion or economic status.
• they make friends easily. Second Definition: Social Development is maintaining a balance between introversion and extroversion tendencies and activities.
Next Time: we’ll jump into the first definition of social development. In the meantime, continue to develop your physical, physical temperance and education attributes.
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