Tag "mortgage lending"

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5 Tips That Make You Better Prepared for a Mortgage Loan Hunt

With mortgage loans and their interest rates fluctuating every moment, it can get hard to strike the best deal. Regardless of whether you have approached a mortgage lender or bank, getting through with the best loan agreement depends on the experience and the analytical skills of the lender.

Consumer Financing

How to get Approved for an FHA Loan if You are Self Employed

Being self – employed comes with a variety of perks such as flexible working hours and the ability to work from anywhere. However, being your own boss can also present a huge challenge when it comes to getting a mortgage.

Home Financing

Selecting The Right Home Purchase Loan Can Save You Thousands

Tweet If you are shopping for a home mortgage loan, then weighing the different choices available to you can save you thousands of dollars over the course of the loan.

Home Buying

7 Steps for Buying a Home: Negotiating the Home Buying Offer

Tweet You found the home you want and now comes the third step in the home buying process: negotiating the price you will pay for the home. Certainly, meeting the

Home Buying

7 Steps for Buying a Home: Finding and Working with an Agent

Tweet There are all kinds of people out there who are willing to sell you your next home. Brokers, licensed realtors, a homeowner, your neighbor, or a friend are points

Consumer Financing Home Financing Money Management

Making Home Purchase Decisions: Understanding How Mortgages Work

Tweet You’ve found the home of your dreams, but buying the home depends on securing financing. Recent news that lenders have tightened up their requirements has you a bit nervous;

Home Buying

7 Steps for Buying a Home: Searching Homes

Tweet You’ve got the cash for a down payment and you making monthly mortgage payments is something you can handle. With housing prices depressed, now could be a terrific time

Home Buying Home Financing

Buying A Home When The Mortgage Market Is A Mess

Tweet The home mortgage market is a mess. Well not entirely, but the sub-prime lending fiasco of recent months has certainly taken its toll on the mortgage lending industry. You