Tag "home loans"
Get the Best Home Loan With These 5 Smart Home Buying Tips
Although the mortgage and real estate market has drastically changed over the last 18 months, there are ways that consumers can avoid or at least minimize the home buying stress factor.
Mortgage Rates Hold Steady Above 5 Percent
The average rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage is now above five percent, pegged at 5.16 percent according to Bankrate.com’s weekly national survey announced on Thursday.
6 Ways to Save on a Mortgage This Year
Mortgage rates are on the rise, moving away from the historic low rates consumers enjoyed in 2010.
Mortgage Rates Increase; Reach 4-Month High
Tweet Mortgage rates are moving away from their historic lows and are now at the highest levels seen in four months. The most recent data announced by Bankrate.com shows that
Mortgage Rates Drop Once Again
Tweet It is a great time to buy a new home! If you believe you have heard that line before, that isn’t surprising. On Thursday, Bankrate.com reported that the rate
Mortgage Rates Near All-Time Lows
Tweet Approaching historic low mortgage rates. If you are in the market for a new home or are eligible for refinancing, then you may want to take a look at
Home Loan Rates? Going Down!
Tweet If you’re looking for good news these days in the housing market, then you may have heard that home sales are up and prices have stabilized in some markets.
Your FICO Score Gets A Makeover
Tweet Your Credit Score, Courtesy of Fair Isaac Another certainty in this life, at least to for the American consumer, is their credit score – what is known as a