Looking for an ENERGY STAR space heater? Give up now…
Tweet By Jeff McIntire-Strasburg Seen the forecasts for heating fuels prices? Yep, they’re going up again… so you may be looking into cheaper, more efficient ways to heat your home
Appliance Rebate Program Overwhelms Websites
Tweet All fifty US states and six territories and the District of Columbia are participating in a federally funded appliance rebate program, one that has its roots in the American
Enjoy Tax Credits For Energy Conservation
Tweet Who knew that conserving energy in the home can be so very beneficial financially? If you made a purchase in 2009 or are planning to make one in 2010
Get $1500 Credit For New Windows, Doors
Tweet Although the credit wasn’t the reason why we purchased new windows in the first place, knowing that the federal government would provide as much as a $1500 credit for
4 Ways You Can Reduce Your Energy Usage
Tweet Our family no longer lives in the northeastern US, but we have relatives and friends that still do and they’re glad that they haven’t needed to use their air-conditioning
Winter Weather And Your Home Energy Budget
Tweet As the next round of cold weather pushes across the lower 48 states, homeowners are finding it very tempting to turn up the thermostat in order to keep their
Smart Choice: Energy Efficient Windows
Tweet The Right Choice When it comes to putting together a home improvement project, choosing the right upgrades can save you time and money. Moreover, choosing the proper materials can
7 Ways To Reduce Home Electricity Consumption
Tweet You Can Gain Control Over Your Electrical Bill Consumers are reeling from the sudden shoot up in fuel prices at the pump, paying $4 or more per gallon for
Allow ENERGY STAR To Make Your Home More Efficient
Tweet Prices for electricity, gas, and other fuel sources are at record levels, putting serious pressure on family budgets across the US. Add in higher prices at the pump, a