Tag "debit cards"

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Consumer Financing

ATM Card Activation Tips

Tweet Instead of waiting for your bank to open, you can access your money through an electronic teller machine that is tied in with your network or use other ATMs

Money News

How to Quickly & Safely Send Money

Tweet You may have a credit card and could take out a cash advance or perhaps your card is maxed out or simply unavailable. If your cash on hand isn’t

Business Services

Are Payroll Debit Cards Right For Your Business?

Tweet In lieu of paychecks, a number of businesses are choosing plastic — as in debit cards — to pay their employees. This move allows businesses to reduce their paperwork

Credit Cards

Prepaid Debit Cards And Building Good Spending Habits

Tweet Consumers with no credit or those whose credit has been pummeled over the past few years know that it is virtually impossible for them to land a new credit

Credit Cards Debt Management Money News

Debit Card Usage Increases, Credit Card Usage Decreases

Tweet Consumer, media and market research firm Mintel recently confirmed what some analysts have been suspecting: America’s love affair with credit cards is on the decline. Instead, consumers are being

Consumer Financing

Use Your Gift Cards Before They Expire

Tweet You’ve just moved into your new home and the welcome shower given by family members and friends yielded some very desirable gifts. A tiffany lamp, garden tools, and a