Tag "Congress"
The ObamaCare Express Cools…For Now
Tweet The pitched battle over health care has ended due to Congress working over the weekend to vote for the passage of what on the surface appears to be a
Small Business Council Thumbs Down Health Care Bill
Tweet While members of Congress are euphoric over the passage of a trillion dollar health care bill, members of the small business community are expressing their disapproval. The bill, which
Advocacy Group Marks One Year Stimulus Anniversary
Tweet Citizens Against Government Waste derides Obama Administration Spending Spree In cased you missed it, February 17 marked the one year anniversary of the passage of the Obama administration’s American
Backdoor Taxes Loom Large
Tweet Obama administration seeks one trillion dollar stealth tax This past Monday the Obama administration unveiled its 2011 budget, revealing that the president plans to trim more than one trillion
Free Credit Reports & Where To Get Them
Tweet The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) through an act of Congress has authorized that all three major credit reporting bureaus provide one free copy of your credit report to you
Home Loan Rates? Going Down!
Tweet If you’re looking for good news these days in the housing market, then you may have heard that home sales are up and prices have stabilized in some markets.
Sunlight Foundation Promotes Political Transparency
Tweet Americans are easily upset when they learn that their elected officials aren’t being honest with them. Whether that means a bill is rushed through Congress without the chance of
Smart Ways To Enact Real Health Care Reform
Tweet Yesterday, I published an article about the health care debate, from the stand point of the legislation winding its way through Congress. The bill being argued before members of
Taxpayers Group Objects To Coercive Health Plan Proposal
Tweet Words matter. They really do. As does the lack of using the right words too. The National Taxpayers Union Foundation (NTUF), a nonprofit, nonpartisan citizen group founded in 1969
Rising Unemployment Demonstrates Shallowness of America’s Recovery
Tweet Weak economy continues to plod along. The United States is supposed to be in the midst of an economic recovery, admittedly a very tepid one. However, for June 2011