Tag "budgeting"

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Achieving Success

Personal Finance Tips From A Broke Guy (That You Need to Hear) – Part 1/2

The title says it all: I’m no millionaire. I am in fact broke. (Technically not but I’ve been close.) Your first instinct might be to say: why should I listen to this guy? That’s the wrong approach to take.


How To Invest Wisely and Have a Secure Future

Before you begin to invest, know your goals.


Six Things You Need to do to Make Money Work for You

Regardless of how you feel about money, the undisputable fact is that we all need it. Some of us have more of it than others and others are able to get by with what they have because they are conscious of it.

Financial Planning

How to Manage Your Personal Finances in Your 20s

Having money isn’t everything, not having it is. Being in your twenties can be really tough; whether its getting your money organized for the first time, the following are ways to get your money together and financially secure your future.


How to Future Proof Your Personal Finance in 5 Simple Steps

We are all faced with the endless possibilities of being able to spend our hard earned cash but knowing your personal finance status can help to keep you and your dollars safe! Debt, bankruptcy and lack of financial planning are all reasons many Americans are struggling to make ends meet.


Why Vision Isn’t Enough for Personal Finance: Part 2

On Wednesday we discussed career prospects and saving money. Both of these things will affect your overall vision. Today we will discuss the all important factor of budgeting….


Is Family Budgeting Necessary? Secure your Family’s Future

It is highly crucial to have a family budget in order to help with the some unnecessary spending habits. Note that creating an efficient budget takes up a lot of time.


Avoid Running Out Of Money Before Your Next Payday With These Simple Tips

If your salary often runs out before your next payday, you’ve probably wondered what you can do to increase the durability of your paycheck to be able to live comfortably.

Financial Planning

How To Manage Your Finances – 8 Tips To Take Control of Your Finances

How to manage your finances is one of the important components of having a good life. Whether you have a smaller income or a better one, you will truly save yourself from a lot of worries and trouble if you know how to manage your finances well.

Achieving Success

How to Rewire Your Brain to be Wealthy

If you asked any person walking on the street, “would you like to earn more money?” they would say yes! So why is it that so many people do not earn as much as they want to? Why do most people have hardly any savings, and no investments?


5 Ways to Improve Your Skills in Money Management

Having lots of money doesn’t mean not having financial difficulties. It’s just that at certain points in our lives, we experience feeling a couple of dollars short, making us decide to hold back some exciting things in your life – starting a family, moving forward in our career, or even pursuing another degree.


Understanding Lawsuit Settlement Loans

We have often seen advertisements of different institutions offering lawsuit settlement loans. To those that aren’t involved in lawsuits, these loans seem obscure but to the majority with pending cases, these loans are a chance for financial relief.


How to Include the Emergency Savings Fund on a Tight Budget?

You have to consider the different factors in budgeting, such as the number of people in the household, the prices of commodities, the utility bills, and more. Hence, you ignore to part with some of your earnings for an emergency savings fund.

Travel Tips

4 Easy Travel Tips for the Novice Traveler

Traveling does not have to be a cumbersome task, it can be as easy as taking a trip to the next town or as adventurous as visiting another continent. Your pocket is the deciding factor. As such, it would be best to get all the details right before you set out on your journey of a thousand miles.


3 Tips for Family Budgeting

According to dailyfinance.com, a recent survey revealed that 42.4% of Americans have credit card debt. Households that have credit card debt have an average balance that’s just over $15,000.