Tag "air conditioning"
Beat the Summer Heat Wave!
Tweet Hot enough for you? That question is being asked by many east coast and midwest residents who are feeling the effects of one of the hottest summers of the
7 Energy Saving Tips for the Hottest Days of Summer
Tweet The hottest days of summer have hit and, as expected, we have experienced multiple heat waves so far this year. My last electric bill was the highest I’ve seen
7 Tips For Smart Summer Driving
Tweet Memorial Day weekend will soon be upon us, the unofficial start of summer. From the final weekend in May through the first weekend in September, people will be hitting
Forget the A/C! Use Fans Instead.
Tweet Air-conditioning may be comfortable but sometimes it isn’t necessary and it almost always is expensive. When the next heat wave arrives with temperatures pushing up toward 95 degrees, you
Air Conditioning Maintenance For Cool Summer Living
Tweet How has your summer been so far? Maybe a better question to ask is this one: how hot has your summer been? If you have central air-conditioning or even
What Type Of Air Conditioning For Your Home?
Tweet Central air-conditioning is a wonderful feature found in most new homes across the nation. Even in areas of the country where hot days are few and far between, many