Posts From MeghanBelnap

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Reduce Bills

Understanding Your Water Bill: What Costs the Most In Your Home

Water bills can be frustrating to understand. It always seems like the charge is too high despite your best efforts to save water.


Types of Insurance You’ll Need as a Young Adult

Growing up leads to many responsibilities, and insurance is at the top of the list. There are various policies that young adults need based on their current living arrangements and budgets.

Home Buying

House, Townhouse, or Condo: Figuring Out Which Is Right for You

If you’re trying to decide between buying a house, townhouse, or condo, there are some significant differences that you should understand before making your decision.

Autos Express

Car Buying Tips for College Students

Owning a car brings a lot of independence and freedom. For college students, it makes life much more exciting and explorable.

Business Marketing

How to Save Money on Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

In the world of today, technology has advanced significantly, which has allowed businesses to incorporate more and more digital marketing.

Business Management

Want to Start Your Own Farm? Here Are the Costs You Need to Plan For

Starting a farm is the dream of many. Working for yourself away from the hustle and bustle of the city certainly has its benefits.

Home Financing

Top Tips for Negotiating Mortgage Loans

With prices on the rise, now may be the best time to purchase a new home. Before you put a deposit down on any home, though, it’s usually wise to first get preapproved for your mortgage loan (you should always closely examine its terms before accepting).

Reduce Bills

How to Declutter Your Life of Top Unnecessary Expenses

One of the most significant challenges in managing personal finances is finding ways of spending less money—and one of the most effective ways of achieving this is eliminating unnecessary expenses.

Home Buying

4 Concerns to Bring Up to a Realtor During the Initial Consultation

In the real estate business, an initial consultation helps a prospective agent get to know a bit more about you and your goals.

Home Improvement

How to Tell if Your Home Has Asbestos and What to Do About It

Some older homes in residential areas may have asbestos in them that could be dangerous to anyone living there. Although new data over the years gives homeowners insights into the dangers of this material now, the issues asbestos can cause were not always known.

Business Management

4 Proactive Steps to Protect Against System Failure in Your Business

As a business in the modern world, there’s almost no threat more serious than a system failure. Fortunately, even if system failure does occur, it doesn’t have to be a total catastrophe if you’re properly prepared.

Business Management

4 Accounting Tips for Those Handling High Profile Clients

High profile clients can make or break your business. Though they can bring in an incredible amount of money and prestige, any failure to handle them correctly can forever taint your firm’s reputation.

Career Development

How 2-Year Degree Can Make a Major Financial Difference in Your Life

It is common for recent high school graduates to struggle with a decision to enter the workforce or to continue their education. The better of the two options is to generally sacrifice the time to obtain some type of college education.

Business Management

4 Services That Save Money With Company Fleet Management

Maintaining a company fleet, though important, can be an expensive proposition. With so many moving parts to a fleet, it can seem as though you’re always putting out fires instead of enjoying smooth productivity.

Home Tips

4 Types of Junk You Can Get Paid to Get Rid Of

If you’ve noticed that you’ve got too much junk piling up around your house, you may be wondering what you can do with it.