If you’re struggling to keep up, you’re not alone. Fortunately, it’s not too late to turn things around.
Check out these organization tips for new college undergraduates that you can use to start your spring semester on the right foot.
Keep a Calendar
Keeping a calendar may seem old-fashioned, but you need one to survive college. Without a clear list of all your obligations, you’ll never be able to plan enough time to accomplish everything you need to.
It doesn’t really matter if you use a paper planner or an app on your phone—what matters is that you put everything in one place you can easily access.
Set Reminders for Everything
In the era of smart technology, there’s really no excuse for forgetting when an assignment is due. Once you receive your course syllabi, set reminders on your phone that will warn you when you have a test or a major project due.
If your professor changes a test date, you can even set a reminder to change your old reminder. Never rely on just your memory!
Check In With Yourself Often
Having a calendar isn’t helpful if you never sit down and look at it. Once a month, break out your calendar and look at everything that’s coming up.
Use this time to set reminders and break down large project goals into smaller ones. Then, every weekend, take stock of your upcoming week and make a detailed to-do list.
Leave Room for Daily Living
When you’re making that weekly to-do list, don’t forget to leave room for things like laundry, grocery shopping, and relaxing.
Nobody can work every hour of every day, and you’ll burn out if you try. Be honest about how much time you need for yourself, and don’t cut into it for school work.
Learn To Set Priorities
In college, it can seem like every class is trying to be the center of your attention. How do you know where to put your focus? If you don’t have time to do everything, which tasks do you pick?
Take some time to write out your priorities, and try to do those first before doing other tasks. When you make your list, use effective color-coding techniques in your workspace to distinguish types of tasks.
We hope you find these organization tips for new college undergraduates helpful. College can feel overwhelming at times, but good organization makes it easier to manage.
Image Credit: Calendar Planner Organization Management Remind Concept By Rawpixel.com FILE #:109099922
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