5 Fun Locations To Have a Company Outing

5 Fun Locations To Have a Company Outing
  • Opening Intro -

    If you run a business, you already know how important it is to plan fun activities for your employees.

    Staff morale is a crucial part of keeping production up.


However, if you do the same boring thing all the time, these events will become much less effective. If you need some new creative ideas for your next company outing, we have some fun locations for you to check out.

Sporting Events

Let’s start with an easy one: sporting event trips. If you’ve noticed some of your employees talking about a particular sport or team often, setting up a day for the whole company to go and watch a game together will be a fun idea.

Granted, not everyone is into sports, but it’s always a blast to attend a game with your favorite coworkers. The tickets might be expensive depending on the team, but you can usually get some good group deals during off days.

Escape Rooms

Another fun place to have a company outing is an escape room. Even though they’ve become quite popular these days, not everyone has done one before. Going with a bunch of coworkers is the perfect time to try this type of activity.

The only downside is that larger groups won’t be able to fit in the same room. However, these locations usually have multiple rooms, so you can create teams to see who can finish their room the fastest.

Beach Day

One thing you could try if you live close to an ocean or lake is a beach day. Everyone loves the beach, so going as a group to soak up the sun or play some beach volleyball will be a great time for everyone.

Just make sure you bring enough food for everyone and some tents or umbrellas to create some needed shade from the sun. Setting up a canopy tent on the beach can be a challenge, though, so make sure you know how to do it before you go.

Movie Night

So far, most of our tips have focused on events that only occur once in a while. However, some companies like to set up monthly or even weekly get-togethers.

If you want to do that, movie nights are a great option. You can either set up a time to see a new movie in theaters or have a “movie on the lawn” night. Either way, it’s hard to go wrong with a good flick.

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Group Workout

Another group event you could try that’s perfect for regular outings is group workouts. One thing that makes going to the gym so difficult is finding inspiration.

However, if you have a whole group of people planning to go with you, it’ll make it easier to commit. Try to find a nearby gym that isn’t too expensive, though. People won’t be as likely to show up if the monthly charge is too high.

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