Although your social abilities play an essential part in networking, many other attributes further increase your networking game. Here are some tips on how to improve your professional networking skills and open more doors to potential career paths.
Host a Dinner Party
Communal dinners have brought people together on numerous occasions throughout many years. It brings people closer through the shared love for food.
Hosting a dinner party for your classmates, coworkers, community members, or organizations allocates a specific time, place, and activity for you to build relationships with one another.
Plus, allowing others to bring plus ones and guests of their own further expands your network circle.
Hosting a successful party equipped with some dining room and dinner essentials makes the occasion and yourself more memorable to others, improving your reputation and likeliness for future networking opportunities.
Attend Networking Event
Along with hosting occasions, attending different events also improves your networking game. Like dinner parties, networking events provide a set time, place, and activity, gathering people into one location and creating opportunities for various interactions.
On top of socializing, you can bond over shared experiences at events.
Participating in the hosted activities minimizes the pressure of conducting quality conversations.
It provides you with a task to focus on and often includes working with another person and demonstrating your various assets, like teamwork, leadership, and creativity. The more events you attend, the more chances you get to practice and improve your networking skills in action.
Follow Up Connections
There are countless ways to contact someone after meeting them in person with today’s technological advancements. Whether you reach out to your contacts through email, social media, or text, following up on your initial interaction provides numerous benefits.
Follow-ups remind people of who you are and show professionalism.
It also continues conversations, strengthens connections, solidifies relationships, and shows your genuine interest in them.
Remember to update your contacts and social media presence regularly because others will likely try to reach out to you if you made a good first impression.
Engage in Genuine Interactions
Ditch the elevator pitch and enjoy the process. Many people see professional networking as all work and no play. However, genuine interactions enhance your relationship with others and create stronger connections.
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Although networking is like putting your best self and qualities on display, hoping to catch the attention of others, going into conversations or events with the set mindset of selling yourself doesn’t always land well and runs the risk of coming off as fake. As cheesy as it is, being yourself is the best way to go.
Learning how to improve your professional networking skills enhances your interactions and connections. It also makes networking more enjoyable and less of a chore. Plus, successful networking often leads to friendships and memorable relationships to savor in and out of your professional life.
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Image Credit: How To Improve Your Professional Networking Skills FILE #: 284863277 By Adobe Stock
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