How to Have a Career and Travel

How to Have a Career and Travel
  • Opening Intro -

    Traveling and exploring the world can bring a lot of fulfillment to your life. That doesn't have to end just because you started a career.


Here is how.

Go to School Abroad

Getting stuck in your home town might be your biggest fear, so instead of going to a community college try putting in applications for all over the world. If you can get in, going to school in a place in Europe opens up a big portion of the world for you to easily travel to.

You may choose to stay in the city where you go to school if you fall in love or find a job there, but even if you don’t, you have put down roots there and it will give you a place to travel to throughout your life.

For an example of how going to school in different parts of the world can be beneficial check out, Rachel Lader, who is a young professional who loves to travel.

Get a Job With Offices All Over the World

In the world of internet and email a lot of offices have started popping up all over. You are able to have coworkers who live in different time zones and cultures.

You might be jealous of your coworkers and the pretty places that they live, but why can’t that be you? Talk to your employer and find out what it would take to transfer to a new part of the world where one of your offices is, even for a short time. This will broaden your horizons and can even have benefits to your career.

Find a Job That Lets You Travel

Some jobs make can make it hard to travel. If you are a teacher, you might be stuck in a classroom everyday or a doctor with a busy schedule.

Find a job that offers good PTO benefits so that you can take the time off that you want without sacrificing pay. If an employer supports your love for travel it can come back to benefit them as you will become a satisfied and fulfilled employee.

Some jobs have opportunities for you to travel as part of the job. You might need to go to conventions or workshops or continuing education. Consider a job that has those options so that your travel could even be all paid for by the company, which is even better!

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Get an Online Job

Some jobs allow you to work where you want and when you want with no ties to an office at all. This is a great way to have that travel and work life balance. When you are able to travel and work from anywhere you can pick your office.

You can go to the beach and sun bathe while answering some emails. It is important with a job l like this to not work all the time and still take some time to relax.

Technologies have allowed you to open up your world of traveling and having a job. Seek out a job that helps you meet your travel goals.

Image Credit: how to have a career and travel by Pixabay

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Categories: Travel Tips

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