Narrowing down your university choices can feel like a huge task, but as long as you plan ahead and take the right steps, you’ll eventually land on the right institution for you.
Think About Your Chosen Subject First
Some universities will specialize in specific subjects or they may be renowned for having the best course for a particular subject. It’s therefore a good idea to have even just a rough idea of which subjects you are interested in, so you can then research the reputation of certain institutions for that course.
There is no point choosing your university first, only to discover later than it isn’t the best for your intended degree course.
Visit Your Potential University
You won’t get a proper understanding of a place until you visit it and see how you feel. It’s a good idea to explore the building to experience what it would be like to walk around it, as well as visit key areas, such as your intended department, the university library, and perhaps meeting with professors, too.
It’s a good idea to visit more than one institution so you have a comparison, too. You can then eliminate any that you like less than the others.
Public or Private?
You have options when it comes to university as you can select between a public institution or a private one. Choosing which is best for you depends on a variety of circumstances, including financing and your personal preference. Private schools usually have a higher tuition rate than public, and the latter will generally have a larger enrollment of students.
It’s important to consider all your options.
Private schools such as the Catholic institution of Marian at, for instance, also have a religious outline, so if you would like your university choice to complement your religion, this is a factor to consider, too.
Therefore, it’s important to consider your own culture, ethics, class-size preference and budget.
Speak with Other Students
If you already know somebody who is currently attending (or who has attended in the past) a university you are considering, it’s a good idea to get a full review from them. Students can provide insights and information which public university brochures and pitches won’t.
There may also be public forums or testimonials online which you can read — which may even be on the university’s specific website — so you can read what students have to say about their experience.
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This is important for your chosen degree course, too, as student testimonials can provide feedback about a specific course, as well as the university as a whole.
Think About Extra-Curricular Activities
Your university life isn’t just going to be about your studies. It’s a prime opportunity for indulging in hobbies and societies which can teach you new skills and provide fulfilment, too. Therefore, be sure to check the selection of extra-curricular clubs and activities at your potential universities to make sure there is something for you.
Image Credit: choosing a university by Pixabay
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