3 Ways to Save Money by Caring for the Environment

3 Ways to Save Money by Caring for the Environment
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    If you want to save more money, there are lots of things you can do.

    The best types of money-saving ventures, though, are those that have benefits beyond simply saving money.


One type of venture with far-reaching benefits is the type that saves you money while caring for the environment. Without a doubt, this is a win-win situation.

If you want to help your wallet and the planet, here are three ways to save money by caring for the environment.

Collect Rainwater

If you like having a lush, green lawn and beautiful gardens, you know just how much water it can take.

If you use city water for these tasks, your water and sewer bills will be sky-high after just one month of increased water use.

Another problem with this approach is that it uses the limited water supply for tasks that aren’t of greatest importance.

Fortunately, there is a way to solve all these problems at once. By collecting rainwater, you can water your plants and lawns as much as you wish, conserve the freshwater supply, and save yourself a bunch of money.

Rainwater is typically collected in large barrels that are attached to the downspouts on your gutters. Once enough water has accumulated, you can use it by turning a spigot located at the bottom of the barrel.

You can also plant crops that mostly thrive on rainwater instead of regular watering.

Maintain Your HVAC System

Another way to save both money and the environment is to maintain your HVAC system properly. Though each HVAC system will require different HVAC services to get it operating at peak efficiency, it’s important to look into what services are needed to ensure you’re not wasting energy.

By keeping your HVAC system’s components lubricated properly, maintaining a clean air filter, and ensuring your gas furnace is burning gas efficiently, you can enjoy a comfortable home while reducing your energy costs and your environmental impact. Simply contact an HVAC contractor near you today to get started.

Grow Wild

If you’ve ever tried to maintain a weed-free lawn, you’ve seen just how much time and money it can take to apply pesticides over your entire lawn. Another downside of this approach is that many pesticides are washed away when it rains, causing the pesticides to collect in streams and rivers in your area.

other valuable tips:

If you let your yard “grow wild,” though, you can save the money you spend on pesticides and the time it takes to apply them. Plus, with no pesticides in your yard, you don’t have to worry about issues with runoff. To maintain a beautiful yard, you can plant native species that will thrive even under adverse conditions.

Extra Planning

In most cases, plans that save money and protect the environment require more preparation than those plans that simply achieve a goal in any way possible. Once you move past the planning stages, however, you will be rewarded with lower costs and the satisfaction of protecting the environment for future generations to enjoy.

Image Credit: by Pixabay

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Categories: Reduce Bills

About Author


Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening.