Home Protection Devices That You Didn’t Know You Need

Home Protection Devices That You Didn’t Know You Need
  • Opening Intro -

    Being a homeowner is a huge responsibility.

    Part of this responsibility is taking every step you can to increase the safety and security of your home.


Your family’s wellbeing should always be your number one priority. As such, you should invest in different security and home protection devices that can enhance your ability to protect your household. Below are a few you may not have known you needed.

Carbon Monoxide Detector

You probably know you need fire alarms throughout your home. However, you should be aware that there may be an even stronger need for carbon monoxide detectors in certain locations inside your house.

Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas. As such, it is completely undetectable by human beings without a functioning carbon monoxide detector. It is also lethal and known as the “silent killer.”

To make sure your family is protected, carbon monoxide detectors should be placed throughout your home. It’s recommended that there is at least one on each floor of your home.

They should be placed near sleeping areas and near garages. Be careful that they are not next to a window, fan, or appliance.

EMP Shield

EMPs are another thing you may not be aware of, but they can pose a significant threat. EMP stands for electromagnetic pulse. Electronics can be damaged or destroyed if too much electricity flows through them.

An EMP shield installed in your home can help protect your house’s electronics and electrical systems from things like lightning strikes, power surges, solar flares, or even an electromagnetic pulse created by a military attack. Having such a power surge protection device installed can save you thousands of dollars and keep your family safe during extreme circumstances.

Weather Radio

Natural disasters can destroy homes, leaving your family without shelter. Tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, and more can all be deadly and come without warning. However, there are ways to ensure that you are warned of any approaching severe weather patterns.

Likely, you don’t have the time or inclination to keep the local news on all day. However, you can purchase a weather radio and program it to sound a loud alarm in your house when nearby extreme weather has been detected.

other valuable tips:

Smart Security Camera

Traditionally, home security camera footage had to be viewed from inside the home. Thanks to new wireless technology, this is no longer the case. You can now watch live security camera footage on your smart phone from nearly anywhere on the planet. You can also be alerted on your phone of suspicious activity near your home that was detected by your security system as well.

The security of your home and the safety of your family should be your number one priority as a homeowner. Invest in different security devices that can enhance the safety of your home. The list above is only a starting point.

Image Credit: by Pixabay

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Consumer Tips reference:

GUIDE: card purchasing management


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