Safety Protocols for Rigging Crane Operators

Safety Protocols for Rigging Crane Operators
  • Opening Intro -

    Construction involves the handling of heavyweight machinery and equipment. Riggers also play the role of signalmen on the construction site.


There are major accidents on the construction sites which cause collateral damage to the riggers and the workers around them. To prevent such accidents, construction workers and rigging crane operators should follow safety protocol.

Five Safety Guidelines That Should Be Followed

Below mentioned are some points that one must consider before they make a final investment in the cranes and the work associated:

Inspection of Work Areas and Proper Personal Gear:

Before operating a rigging crane, the operator should check for uneven surfaces. They should make sure that the surface areas are all clear from obstructions.

Before starting a lift, the supervisor and workers should make sure they are wearing proper gear. This includes eye, hand and ear protection.

A load lifted five feet or higher is likely to cause a severe head injury. This can be avoided if the workers wear a hard hat and the rigging crane is operated under proper supervision.

  • 1) Inspection of Faulty Machinery:

    Worn out and exposed electrical wires, using hoisting and hauling equipment near electrical wires and circuits and malfunctioning machinery can cause electrical hazards.

    In order to prevent this safety inspection of the machinery should be made. All hoisting equipment should have a safety latch. Make sure there is no oil leak on the hoist or on the floor.

    Run the hoist all the way up and down with no load to make sure it is working properly. Be sure that the hoist stops at a safe distance and there is no drift. If there are any strange sounds on the hoist, immediately put them out of service.

  • 2) Maintain the Workload Capacity of The Rigging Crane:

    Two prime reasons why accidents occur are because of overloading and lousy operating of the rigging crane. Under no circumstances should the load exceed the hoisting capacity. Loads with uncertain weights should not be lifted.

    Consult the manufacturer or use a dynamometer, crane scale or weight scale. The rigging crane should be only handled by one person under a supervisor. You have to understand that working with cranes is actually a risky job and hence the protection of the workers should be ensured in every situation.

  • 3) Communication Between Supervisors and Workers:

    In order to prevent accident and confusion, communication should be maintained between supervisors and workers. This can include hand signals and verbal communication. Emergencies or sudden equipment failure should be immediately reported to the supervisor. Pre-planning before carrying out a rigging crane operation will ensure everyone is informed.

other valuable tips:
  • 4) Know the Basics Before Handling Rigging Cranes:

    Make sure the riggers’ hand, feet and fingers are clear of pinch points. Avoid the contact of hoisted loads with stacked loads. It is advised not to lift workers using cranes. Make sure the load does not touch the rigging crane machinery.

    When landing a load makes sure the area is cleared from obstruction. When a load is placed, make sure it is in a location where it does not interfere with other construction work. Do not handle rigging cranes or construction equipment in unfavorable weather conditions.

Accidents can be avoided if the operators follow a safety manual. Safety regulations can prevent unnecessary costs caused by occupational hazards. This increases productivity, better relation between laborers and their management and better use of human resources. Safety training is valuable since it safeguards a laborer’s life. It should not be seen as a means of extra expenditure.

Image Credit: rigging crane operators by Pixabay

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