Nest Egg Savings – How to Manage Money After Starting a Business

Nest Egg Savings – How to Manage Money After Starting a Business
  • Opening Intro -

    When starting a new business, overall vision and the end game tend to overshadow basic money management.

    That shortsightedness can really sink a promising enterprise in the long run if you're not careful.

    From the very beginning, you should have your eye on fiscal prudence.


Even if you’re not great with money by nature, these tips will ensure long-term financial security.

Maintain a Sizable Piggy Bank

Starting a business is going to be expensive and drain you financially under even the most favorable circumstances. Regardless, it’s important to keep a decent amount of cash in reserve to weather tough times and handle unforeseen expenses. Having at least a few months’ worth of paychecks in the bank is advised.

Structure Your Outfit Right

Operating as a sole proprietorship isn’t a good idea for many reasons. Instead, you should incorporate your small business as an LLC. An LLC will protect you from a variety of legal and financial threats. Professionals, like James Shaw, know that finding an experienced registered agent in your area or online to help you with the LLC formation process is invaluable.  After all, this can be a highly-delicate matter and having counsel is always a plus.

Work on Your Credit Ratings

Once you have your business established, it’s time to give it a sterling reputation. Late payments to suppliers will come back to bite you if you make a habit of it. Take out a loan for your LLC even if you don’t need it and pay it back quickly to demonstrate trustworthiness.

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Find an Expert Tax Attorney

Probably the best investment you can make in the first years of your business is a great tax adviser. Such a professional will be able to find exemptions for your business that you’d never thought of. For as little as a few hundred dollars in consultation fees, they can potentially save you tens of thousands when it matters most.

Invest in the Right Software

Nowadays, accounting programs are essential tools for small businesses that are trying to compete with major corporations. QuickBooks, Zoho, FreshBooks and Intacct are all fine options that will enable small business owners to trim the fat in a number of areas. A few bucks a month in subscriber fees can keep your business from going under.

No matter how dedicated and intelligent you are, you won’t get very far if you’re bad with money. These vital money-management guidelines can very well keep your business afloat in the first few years as you climb your way to the top of your chosen industry.


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