You cannot afford to carry so much cash. It’s either that you will be caught if you cross a particular amount or that you are bound to lose the money in small change. So what is the best way to manage your finances when you are traveling within the country and abroad?
Intra-country Trips
Intra-country trips can be easy on the pocket, provided you are wary of how you spend it, where you spend it and how you store the money. If you are traveling in the country, make sure your credit and debit cards are fully functional. Last moment glitches such as insufficient balance or insufficient credit might take the fizz out of your enjoyment.
And if you are traveling abroad, the safest bet is the usage of travel cards.
Travel Cards
Travel cards, for their functioning, banks charge fees for balance inquiries and cash withdrawals, but there are no such fees on swiping the card at merchant kiosks. There might be a small fee for card issuance, but that is almost no price to pay if your card is stolen. Most banks provide you with a replacement card in case of such occurrences. All you need to do is call a given number, block the card and go on to using the replacement card in peace. The original card can be deemed useless from now on.
So every time you have the urge to shop, you only have to do two things: make sure you have enough balance on your card and shop! The card does not even require you to enter your PIN and is pretty easy to work through. And since almost all stores now are moving towards having the provision for card payments, it is easier on your purse and on you since you do not have to be handling cash all the time.
Tips For Carrying Cash
If at all, you happen to be carrying cash while you travel, make sure you distribute that amount among the adults in your entourage. And keep track of the expenses. This enables you to be a little less jumpy about that wad of cash in your pocket. But if you are traveling alone, make sure you do not carry the entire amount with you. Take the amount necessary at a time and lock away the rest in a safe bag in your suitcase or in a trusted locker. This will help you be sure of your finance safety.
Remember: put your money where you can’t see it and don’t make the safe house too obvious. There’s the key to a successful travel trip.
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