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Home Financing

When Deciding to Buy a New Home, Consider These Home Financing Tips

Home financing is often sought out by those who can’t afford to make lump sum cash payment at a go.

Business Management

How to Scale a Small Start-Up in a Short Time

Starting and sustaining a small business is often easier said than done. Many entrepreneurs are always on the tipping point between success and failure, and a one split second decision can really make or break a promising business.


Drowning In Debt? When Bankruptcy Can Actually Be The Best Solution

If debt has become an overwhelming source of stress in your life, bankruptcy may seem like the only option. The only way to know if bankruptcy is your best option is to sit down with a lawyer and clearly identify your financial landscape first.

Business Financing

What Entrepreneurs Must Know About Business Financing

Business financing is a means by which a business entrepreneur obtains financial aid for either starting a new business, purchasing an existing business, or feeding money into a current business.

ID Theft

Protect Your Finances From Fraud in 3 Steps

Over the last decade, identity theft and fraud has become one of the fastest growing crimes. In the U.S. alone, there are over 12 million fraud victims annually for a loss of more than 26 billion dollars, according to Statistic Brain.

Tax Tips

7 Essential Tax Tips for New Entrepreneurs

Before opening a business, entrepreneurs should familiarize themselves with their federal tax obligations. Understanding taxes is key to the success of any kind of business.

Money Management

Selecting a Property Management Firm for Your First Rental Property

Some landlords work hard to acquire properties to rent out. Other landlords are thrust into the role due to necessity.

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip for Oct 18: More and More Credit Cards???

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Debt Management

How to Keep a DUI from Destroying Your Finances

Most people charged for a DUI aren’t what you would think of as criminals. They simply had a night out with friends and headed home without thinking about the consequences.

Achieving Success

How to Achieve Success in Life – 3 Essential Steps

Tweet That being said, you may be wondering how to achieve success in life. No need to worry because in this article you will discover the 3 essential steps –

Career Planning

Want a career as a financial analyst? Here is what you need to know

Financial analysts are the professionals responsible for the financial planning of businesses and companies. Money is a huge part of business operations whether an organization is non-profit or pro-profit.

Consumer Tips

Learning to Negotiate at Every Opportunity

While many individuals don’t like the idea of confrontation, the fact of the matter is it can be a good thing.

Career Planning

All You Wanted to Know About Making a Career in Bio-Telemetry

Effective and efficient patient monitoring is critical to successful outcomes in the medical sector. Conventionally, patients were required to be attended by nurses and doctors physically thus posing a severe constraint on the number of patients that could be attended to.

Debt Management

7 Mistakes That Could Quickly Put You Into Debt

When it comes to getting out of debt, there are a few common mistakes that people make. From missing payments to using credit cards excessively, these mistakes could be holding you back from living your dreams.


How to Bring Out the Investor in You

If money grows naturally, there would be less hassle in the world. I would probably not have to write this article. Well, money does not grow on trees, but it can grow if you save a penny and invest it wisely.