Like many industries, the salaries for legal jobs range from minimum pay up to nine-digit incomes. While you might be content with being a lawyer in a small or even substantial law firm, you will likely have some hefty student loans to pay off after law school. Though you might be motivated by more than money, the occupations below are the highest paying positions you can attain with a law degree under your belt.
Law School Professor
Making $113,600 – $242,500 annually, law professors are highly sought out as the number of law schools are continuously increasing. The job pays exceedingly well due to high requirement demands such as: judicial clerkship experience, publication credits from scholarly journals, and law practice experience. A law professor’s job involves performing research in their field, teaching courses in law, and publishing scholarly works. Those who wish to follow this career path will need a Master of Laws degree (LLM), or a Juris Doctor (J.D).
Law Firm Administrator
Taking on this job requires overseeing the business and administrative facets of a law firm and pays from $386,000 up to $650,000 yearly. Law firm administrators must have an extensive background in human resource and personnel management. Some duties of the job include: financial management, human resources, business development, reports, marketing, and facilities management. A position of this nature gives you the chance to work with different departments and will give you responsibilities that aren’t strictly related to legal issues. This is a great option for those who would like a legal job with more variety than a lawyer at a law firm.
Through effective problem solving processes, a mediator will help to guide and resolve focused issues between opposing parties. Mediators make an average of $110,000 up to $162,000 annually while staying neutral on topics with their clients. Mediators are often responsible for exploring client problems, finding new options to client’s disputes, and remaining neutral at all costs between parties. Mediators can enjoy a wide variety of cases whether they be between corporations, small businesses and clients, or on an individual level.
Litigation Support Director
The increasing amount of work on cloud computing, e-discover, document management, and high technology needs put litigation support director in high demand. Litigation support directors make $70,800 minimum and can increase up to $200,000 annually. They help manage firm litigation support activities, technology resources, and e-discovery initiatives. As the go-between of the firm, the client, IT, and human resources, the litigation support director will combine their legal knowledge with technological expertise, and people skills to work through problems and keep everyone happy.
Jury Consultant
Banking $115,000 – $125,000 yearly, jury consultants are in demand for highly publicized trials and high-stake cases like Martha Stewart’s trial and the O.J. Simpson trial. The job requires the jury consultant to work in cooperation with a lawyer during jury selection and the actual trial with the possibility of reviewing the lawyer’s efficiency with the jury. This exciting position could lead to your involvement with some historic and monumental cases.
Even if the law degree doesn’t land you a job as a lawyer, the jobs above can still help you pay for those leftover student loans and let you live a comfortable life in the future. Some students don’t realize how many career options are available with a law degree—not only are there dozens of different kinds of lawyers, but there are countless law-related positions that allow you to work in every industry imaginable.
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