The decennial census is about to get underway as the first batch of questionnaires began to arrive in mailboxes across the country on Monday. This constitutionally mandated population count is being conducted for just the 23rd time, dating back to 1790 when the first count was held.
Census Return
Americans have until mid-April to complete and return their ten question postage paid forms to the US Census Bureau. The census helps the federal government tabulate the number of Americans, ensuring that Congress is fairly reapportioned every ten years. In other words, the census is an important piece of the representative democracy puzzle.
“When you receive your 2010 Census, please fill it out and mail it back,” Census Bureau Director Robert M. Groves said. “It’s one of the shortest forms in our lifetime with just 10 questions very much like the questions James Madison and Thomas Jefferson helped craft on the very first Census.”
Accurate Count
Getting an accurate count is impossible while getting close to that number is. Nevertheless, Americans can help out by returning their forms as soon as possible, helping the government avoid the expense of sending out a federal worker to ensure the form has been completed. Failure to complete the form or supplying wrong information are criminal acts, in some cases leading to fines and/or imprisonment. No other federal agency has access to the data, thus your privacy is ensured.
The census mailing package includes a cover letter, the 2010 Census form and a postage-paid return envelope. According to the census bureau the 10 questions are basic and should take about 10 minutes to complete. The 2010 Census asks the following questions:
1. The number of people living in the residence
2. Any additional people that might be living there as of April 1, 2010
3. Whether the residence is owned or rented
4. Telephone number (in case the Census Bureau has follow-up questions)
5. Name
6. Sex
7. Age and date of birth
8. Whether of Hispanic origin
9. Race
10.Whether that person sometimes lives somewhere else
Additional Languages
For the first time some 13 million bilingual English/Spanish forms will be sent out to households whose primary language is Spanish. In addition, forms are available in other languages upon request: English, Chinese (Simplified), Korean, Vietnamese and Russian. Language assistance guides are available in 59 languages with special assistance offered for the hearing impaired and the blind.
Adv.– If you are considering selling your business in 2010, you need to determine its value first, which is based largely on what someone is willing to pay for it. If you are interested in buying a business, please check out NACBB’s current business listings to find one for you.
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