Thanksgiving I find to be one of the most wonderful holidays of all, a day when Americans of every race, creed, and gender can give thanks to their Creator for all of the blessings received for the year. I have wonderful memories of getting together with family members and friends down through the years, enjoying their company, good food, and catching a little bit of football too.
We’ll be having dinner with friends this year and will be bringing several dessert items as part of our contribution to the meal. Years ago, my grandmother followed by my mother (her daughter), would do all of the shopping, baking, and cooking, expecting no help with the preparation of the meal. In today’s busy society, everyone chips in or they come up with another plan such as going out to eat.
If you’re hosting a Thanksgiving dinner, you may be shocked at just how expensive food has gotten over the past year. If you will be hosting a small army of people, you’ll be paying a large sum of money to feed everyone, a possible budget buster during these challenging economic times.
Let’s take a look at three ways you can save money on holiday groceries while still serving up a meal that everyone will love:
Shop Carefully – By now you’ve seen a number of grocery store advertisements for Thanksgiving and they’re the perfect place to look for seasonal savings. You may be able to do all of your shopping at one store, especially if the weekly sales are spectacular. Look for savings on cranberry sauce, stuffing, turkey, cole slaw, squash, corn, pies, cakes, and all of the trimmings. Many stores push their Thanksgiving items, knowing that you’ll be much more inclined to shop with them then flee to a competitor.
Clip Coupons – Extend your grocery savings further by being on the look out for manufacturer coupons. Store brands can be quite good, but if you have your heart set on a particular type of mayonnaise, yams, or turkey, then you’ll want to stick with your favorite brand. No newspaper subscription? No worries — many coupons can be found online and printed out.
Share Responsibilities – Some hosts cringe at the thought of asking their guests to bring food, but by doing that you can spread the cost of the meal amongst yourselves. You can still handle the turkey and most of the fixings as you don’t want someone to forget a key part of the meal or lose out if they end up getting sick and cannot attend. If wine is desired, ask a guest to bring a bottle or two and allow other guests to supply bread, pie, cake, and other dessert items. You’ll save a big chunk on the grocery bill by sharing!
Finally, enjoy the day with your family and friends. Don’t be shy about asking for clean up help, allowing guests to clear the table, set up coffee or to rinse dishes. Holidays are meant to be enjoyed by the host and guests alike so have a Happy Thanksgiving and don’t eat too much!
Adv. — Save money on all of your consumer spending by shopping wisely. Visit to find ways to save on health costs, home improvement, travel, entertainment, toys for Christmas, and much more.
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