BLOG postings: (link to Achieving Success BLOG for all posts and PDF downloads)
Discipline to Success: The Spiritual Attribute
Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
continuation from BLOG posting: spiritual development
Building Your |
Developing Patience
A person who is patient has the ability to bear exertion, hardship and suffering without complaint and bitter feelings. A patient person is calm, steadfast and exhibits a positive attitude.
We should move our discussion on patience to the beginning of this book. You will need patience when shaping a well-rounded character. Patience is a spiritual quality that can strengthen each character attribute. For example, patience can strengthen your physical attribute. People who are patient are less likely to overreact and become angry and hostile. They have lower stress levels and feel better about themselves and others.
Patience can strengthen the physical temperance attribute. You need to maintain a positive attitude when conquering your physical indulgences and habits. Controlling your passions can take months, sometimes years. A positive attitude keeps you going when changes to your character become less encouraging.
You will need to exercise patience when shaping your education attribute. Becoming a better listener, reader, etc. takes time and perseverance. Being patient balances the frustration that is often associated with learning.
Patience is a character quality when developing your social relations. For example, have you ever associated with someone who is impatient? Impatient people are demanding and often complain at trivial circumstances. They usually have nothing positive to say and can become angry at the slightest provocation. You will find it very difficult to develop your social attribute without first becoming more patient. Patience requires that you cease complaining, temper your demand for things not readily available and control your anger.
Next week: we will continue our discussion on the spiritual attribute: having brotherly love/charity.
As we go through our spiritural character discussion, continue working on your character development goals for physical, physical temperance, education and social.
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