Achieving Success BLOG

Achieving Success BLOG


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Execute Success: The Evaluation Process

I saw a fleet of fishing boats . . . I flew down almost touching the craft and yelled at them, asking if I was on the right road to Ireland. They just stared. Maybe they didn’t hear me. Maybe I didn’t hear them. Or maybe they thought I was just a crazy fool. An hour later I saw land.
Charles Lindbergh

The steps outlined in these next postings will measure your progress on a daily, weekly and phase-to-phase basis. We have segmented the postings into the following discussions:

I: Daily Task Measurement.
II: Weekly Goal and Benchmark Evaluation
III: Weekly Role Evaluation
IV: Daily Character Attribute Evaluation
V: Weekly Character Attribute Evaluation
VI: Life Phase Evaluation
VII: Starting a New Life Phase
VIII: Objective and Goal Evaluation

II: Weekly Goal and Benchmark Evaluation

You will complete a weekly evaluation of your goal-achieving progress to determine what goals and tasks should be assigned for the new week. I suggest that you make this evaluation each Sunday morning as you plan for the new week.

We begin with the Weekly Goal Planning Sheet (Appendix Form-L) from the week you just completed. Review the sheet as diagrammed by the letter “D” on the illustration. Evaluate whether these goals/benchmarks and related tasks were completed as assigned. Determine whether these same goals/benchmarks/and related tasks should be worked for another week. Perhaps you should assign a new set of goals/benchmarks/ and related tasks for the upcoming week?

If you decide assign a new set of goals for the new week, plus work on the same goals/benchmarks/and related tasks from a prior Weekly Goal Planning Sheet, complete the following steps:

Step 1: Keep the prior week’s Weekly Goal Planning Sheet.

Step 2: Assemble a new Weekly Goal Planning Sheet (Appendix Form-L). Assign dates running from Sunday to Sunday at the top of the form as illustrated.

Step 3: Go to the middle section of the form. Select a new set of goals from your Task Assignment Sheets (Appendix Form-J) as diagrammed by the letter “F” on the illustration.

Step 4: Assign one or two benchmarks for each goal assigned for the week (diagrammed by the letter “F”).

Step 5: Assign the major tasks that will achieve the respective benchmarks (diagrammed by the letter “F”).

Step 6: Go to the goal/benchmark icon located just above the character attribute section (with the heading, “See Week:”). Write the dates for the week where you can find the continuing goals/benchmarks/and related tasks from a prior week (diagrammed by the letter G on the illustration). The “See Week” icon instructs you to reference a prior week’s Weekly Goal Planning Sheet. This prevents you from having to rewrite each week the goals/benchmarks/and related tasks that will continue.

The “See Week” icon in the left column references the goals/benchmarks/and related tasks from the “left-side column” of a prior week’s Weekly Goal Planning Sheet. The “See Week” icon in the right column references the goals/benchmarks/and related tasks from the “right-side column” of a prior week’s Weekly Goal Planning Sheet. You can reference two “See Weeks” icons per column per week. This will give you a maximum of 6 goals with 12 applicable benchmarks and major tasks to work on during a given week.

The “See Week:” icon is only operational during the current planning week. The “See Week:” icon from an old Weekly Goal Planning Sheet can no longer be used or referenced. This maximizes the planning of 6 goals and 12 benchmarks for any given week. If not, you could set up a labyrinth of goals/benchmarks/major tasks assignments that could be endless and confusing.

Next week: we move on to III: Weekly Role Evaluation

You can find the day planning systems we are illustrating in this discussion in our FREE appendix file (Appendix as Form-N and Forms O.1-O.7 ).

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Categories: Achieving Success

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Krayton M Davis

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